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Aermec places absolute priority in offering solutions which ensure lowest environmental impacts.
Energy efficient products are designed to minimize energy usage both at full load and, most importantly, at real world partial load conditions.
Aermec solutions aim to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels wherever possible, placing focus upon the increased application of renewable energy sources.
Environmental impacts due to refrigerant usage are a specific Aermec focus. Extensive research towards the use of refrigerants with ever lower environmental impacts has led to the launch of dedicated units with refrigerant R1234ze, an HFO offering a GWP of only 6. Lower refrigerant charges within Aermec products, thanks to the application of microchannel condensers which reduce refrigerant charges by 40%, and an obsessive attention towards avoiding refrigerant losses during the product life-cycle, achieved by using less welds and extensively leak testing each single product in dedicated leak test labs, aims to further reduce environmental impacts created by refrigerant usage.
Aermec continuously strives towards solutions applying water as the carrier fluid, further reducing the dependence upon refrigerants and ensuring these only travel within limited and well defined spaces, notably reducing the risk of uncontrolled refrigerant loss into the atmosphere.
Aermec’s dedicated noise test facilities have led to equipment minimising noise pollution, including ranges with 3 noise level options according to user needs and specific algorithms to reduce night-time noise emissions.
True environmental impact reductions can only be achieved by extending the focus beyond the mere products and focussing on entire systems, mapping their entire life cycle within real operating conditions. This is easier said than done but Aermec has committed to making this possible.
Highly competent consultancy in the pre-sales phase, with the support of specific technicians within Aermec focussed to this task, accurately map the extensive needs to then find the ideal solution.
By applying all-in-one solutions integrating cooling, heating and DHW (domestic hot water) production, including the integration of numerous components and accessories including pumps and storage tanks, Aermec is able to offer packaged solutions which combine highest overall operation efficiencies with reduced installation, start-up and maintenance costs.
Life cycle costs and environmental impacts are notably reduced by applying equipment which lasts longer in the first place, and here Aermec dedicates research and resources leading to high quality products which meet the test of time.
Aermec’s service and maintenance support on every continent worldwide aims at reducing overall operating costs during the entire product life cycle. Regular preventive maintenance with the application of Aermec remote connectivity technologies ensure rapid trouble shooting; furthermore continuous on-site customer support adapts the system to changing customer needs, increasing efficiency and lengthening the operating lifetime.
Every single project is different and often requires very differing solutions. The optimum solution, that which perfectly fits the customer needs, will also be that which operates with the highest overall efficiency and minimal environmental impact.
Aermec offers a full array of hydronic, direct expansion and air handling solutions satisfying every project challenge, offering cooling, heating, DHW (domestic hot water) and air purification. A wide range of options and accessories is backed by high flexibility towards customised system solutions designed to cover the exact individual needs, including in-house control algorithm programming to further personalize the system to the exact needs. There is no customer request Aermec cannot meet.
Aermec applies a unique integrated design philosophy involving architect, designer installer and end user to focus on the individual application, a design process which allows the optimum solution to be defined and created. Highly competent and experienced personnel, backed by a high level of application specific know-how whereby the customer’s real needs are often already known, apply sophisticated selection and simulation software technologies to create the ideal solution to the project needs. This can furthermore be simulated in year-round operation allowing the customer to truly understand how the design proposal will operate once installed and commissioned, even allowing differing project options to be compared to allow the solution which best meets the overall needs to be identified.
Dedicated witness testing facilities within Aermec’s labs allow customers to verify operation and performance at project specific conditions prior to installation.