Legal Policy

Many links from this site lead to external web sites which are maintained and hosted by third parties, over which Aermec S.p.A. has no control and is in no manner responsible.

The name Aermec may not be used for page titles and meta tags according to the ruling dated 18/01/2001 emitted by the ninth section of the Rome Civil Court, which states that the name of a competitor cannot be used as a meta tag to route potential clients queries onto search engines.

Hyperlink to Aermec
By copying the Aermec S.p.A. logo you may be granted a non-assignable, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the logo on your Web site for the limited Purpose of creating a hyperlink to You may not use the logo for any other Purpose.

Venue and Liability Limitation
The rights and obligations under this Agreement shall be governed by the Italian laws excluding international treaties governing copyrights. The parties hereby consent and agree that the Foro of Legnago or Verona will have exclusive jurisdiction over any legal action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement, and each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the Purpose of any such action or proceeding. Each party hereby waives all rights it has or which may hereafter arise to contest such exclusive jurisdiction.