Aermec is listed in the ranking of the 2024/2025 edition of the “Top job – Italy’s best employers”, drafted by the Istituto Tedesco Qualità e Finanza (ITQF) and published in the Affari e Finanza column of the La Repubblica newspaper.

This annual study, carried out by a German research centre based on totally impartial criteria, gathers the anonymous opinions of a broad sample of (over 20,000) employees asked to assess the companies they work for. The Italian companies taken into consideration come from all business sectors, and among the thousands of companies interviewed, the top 500 can be awarded the quality seal. The scores given to a large number of criteria (including the working climate, professional development and growth prospects, sustainability and corporate values) have placed Aermec among the employers most appreciated by their employees. “Working in the interests of the life and professionalism of our colleagues is a bond of affection that the company shares with its employees,” the Chairman Alessandro Riello added.

Affari&Finanza news