Food industry Wine

The demand for ever greater product quality within vinification is translated into a growing demand for quality in the production cycle; this necessitates a conscious and thoughtful design of the entire wine cellar system. Aermec offers innovation, with the application of advanced technologies, not just within single products but within entire systems designed to ensure reliability, low noise emissions and optimised load management for maximum energy savings. Aermec provides chillers and high-efficiency heat pumps to supply chilled or hot water directly to terminals such as thermal jackets and heat exchangers; moreover, a wide choice of system solutions (air handling units, fan coils, ducted terminals) ensure that the precise temperature and humidity requirements of each individual environment are met, with the availability of remote control and monitoring devices to create systems which are simple to operate and reliable in their operation.

References for Wine

Az. Agr. MONTE ZOVO di Cottini Diego e Figli S.S.

Az. Agr. MONTE ZOVO di Cottini Diego e Figli S.S.

Caprino Veronese (VR) (Italy)


Mastri Birrai Umbri

Mastri Birrai Umbri

Gualdo Cattaneo (PG) (Italy)


Villa Zarri

Villa Zarri

Bologna (Italy)


Spier Wine Estate

Spier Wine Estate

Stellenbosch (South Africa)


Quoin Rock Wine Estate

Quoin Rock Wine Estate

Stellenbosch (South Africa)

Food industry