Modern production processes and manufacturing ambients apply hi-tech technologies designed to ensure quality not only for the end product but also during all stages within the production chain. The air conditioning and process cooling systems which serve the food & beverage sector must adapt to the growing and increasingly diversified demands this industry requires, an industry which privileges solutions offering high quality and innovation levels; systems designed to meet numerous requirements including safety, reliability, hygiene and energy saving. Consequently the design of such systems needs to take into account not only the need to precisely monitor the temperature of the products during the production process, but also a requirement for defined temperature and humidity conditions within the differing production areas, furthermore guaranteeing a high level of environmental hygiene that is an essential prerogative of the food industry. Thanks to its versatile and reliable products, including high performance chillers and heat pumps, air treatment systems incorporating energy recovery and efficient filtering systems, Aermec can provide solutions which guarantee quality and reliability in all manufacturing processes and working ambients.